Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Parrot-Beaked Pigeon

The Parrot-Beaked Pigeon
At Mahadevikad, a small village in Kerala, a young boy named Aniyan lived a simple yet joyful life, in a mediocre family. One day, while returning from school, he stumbled upon a baby pigeon fallen from its nest, weak and vulnerable. Without a second thought, he scooped it up, carried it home, and nurtured it with love and care. The bird, which had a peculiar beak resembling a parrot, quickly became Aniyan's closest companion.
As the pigeon grew, it started flying out during the day but always returned to Aniyan by evening. Every day after school, the boy would eagerly wait for the moment when his pigeon would land gracefully on his shoulder. His friends watched with envy, marveling at the bond between the boy and the bird. Aniyan's heart swelled with pride each time his pigeon came home, a feathered friend unlike any other.
Every night, Aniyan carefully placed the pigeon in its nest, ensuring it was safe from prowling cats. But one fateful evening, in the rush of daily chores, he forgot to close the nest. The next morning, the pigeon was gone. Aniyan's heart sank. He searched every corner of the village, called out for his friend, but there was no sign of the bird with the parrot-like beak. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he realized his beloved companion was lost.
Years passed. Aniyan grew up, married, and started a family. But the memory of his pigeon never faded. He often told his wife, half-jokingly, "If you ever see a pigeon with a parrot's beak, let me know."
Now, as an old man with grandchildren gathered around him, Aniyan still shares the story of the parrot-beaked pigeon. His grandchildren listen with wide eyes, hanging on to every word. "If you ever find a pigeon with a beak like a parrot, you must tell me," he says, a wistful smile on his face. They laugh, but deep down, Aniyan knows that a part of him still longs for his lost friend.
And though the bird never returned, the memory of the bond between a boy and his pigeon lives on in every tale he tells, echoing through the generations

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