Friday, December 14, 2007

Benjamin Molasses

  1. Benjamin Molasses! --------The revolutionary poet of the black!------- Shit.


Sarith said...

couldn't find anything on Benjamin Molasses in the net... is he fictional? even if he is fictional, why isn't anything mentioned about him on the net??? and what is SHIT in the statement??

achan said...

It is a still from a mono act depicting the tragic but heroic culmination of a fictitious character called Benjamin Molasses supposed to be a revolutionary poet, who tried to motivate the black in South Africa to fight against the apartheid. The dialogue is delivered in a contemptuous note by the Military General before ordering to take him to the gallows. It is a fact or fiction the presentation was appreciated by a jam-packed crowd at the Kamban Kalai Arangam at Pondicherry

Sarith said...

i agree, i do recollect the rehearsals that chetan used to have back home with us